Clinical Supervision - Co-Learning

My approach to supervision privileges the knowledge and skills of the therapist. I am curious about your process as a therapist, and what arises for you in the work you do. My hope is to offer questions that get you thinking about your practice, and work through dilemmas in ways that feel generative and empowering.
As much as possible in supervision conversations, I position myself away from advice-giving, opinions and problem-solving. I am interested in resisting the power dynamics that can exist in traditional superviser-supervisee relationships where the supervisor offers knowledge in a top-down ways, and rather I consider the process of supervision to be one of co-learning and co-creation.
I may offer ideas, frameworks, and considerations during our conversations, and I encourage you to do the same. I will encourage you to agree, to disagree, or to linger in the space between.
I believe an empowered therapist is empowering of clients.
Individual Supervision Fee: $170 / hour